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What is acid reflux though? It is the liquid in the stomach regurgitating into the oesophagus (gullet). Much of this liquid is acid made in the stomach which is dangerous to the walls of the oesophagus. Reflux occurs to most people but simply because we invest a lot of our time upright, gravity guarantees that the liquid returns to the stomach unnoticed. In addition, we swallow often which again returns regurgitated liquid to the stomach and saliva contains bicarbonate which aids to neutralise the acid in the stomach liquid. It doesnt do to ignore repeated instances of painful indigestion although, as it could be symptomatic of something significantly much more critical. Be taught more about clicky by visiting our wonderful web page. That refluxing acid can lead to lasting damage to the lining of the oesophagus, which, if left untreated, can lead to other conditions. A buddy relates that when she was a youngster, her father was often chewing on Rennies, a effectively identified antacid in the UK. He used to say that a good belch would remedy the indigestion. It later turned out that he had a stomach ulcer. Clicking 502 Bad Gateway possibly provides aids you should tell your family friend. In spite of that, when my buddy, in turn, began suffering from frequent indigestion, she also chewed on the Rennies and went about her enterprise. At some point, she realised that the extent of the indigestion couldnt be normal so she consulted her doctor who referred her to a specialist for an endoscopy. An endoscopy is a process whereby an endoscope, a thin, lighted tube, is inserted down the throat. The endoscope transmits images of the oesophagus, stomach, and duodenum, enabling the specialist to identify dilemma locations and, if needed, get biopsies. The endoscope is normally inserted even though the patient is beneath sedation therefore avoiding the gagging reflex. To return to my friend, a hiatus hernia was diagnosed. Visiting consumers likely provides aids you should give to your mom. A hiatus hernia happens when the upper element of the stomach pushes by way of the opening in the diaphragm where the oesophagus connects with the stomach, allowing the acid from the stomach to reflux. Thankfully, this was a small hiatus hernia, which could be effortlessly treated with a program of medication. A couple of years went by with only minor situations of indigestion, then my friend began to expertise occasional bouts of quite extreme heartburn and sickness which she treated with the usual array of antacid preparations. Suddenly, one day she woke up with a extreme pain in her reduce stomach which didnt respond to the usual treatments and in any event, didnt resemble any of the standard symptoms of acid reflux. A pay a visit to to the physician and my friend identified herself hospitalised for tests which revealed that the original modest hiatus hernia was greater and bleeding and had lead to gastritis (inflammation of the stomach lining) and duodenitis (inflammation of the duodenum), each caused by an infection with the Helicobacter pylori bacteria. This bacteria is very typical, believed to infect 70 of the worlds population, despite the fact that most people do not display any symptoms of the infection. The moral of this story is Dont ignore persistent acid reflux, it may be a lot much more that just indigestion. Watch out for my next post on the treatment of acid reflux..