Tips And Methods To Get The Smoothest Shave With Utilizing Your Personal Shaver

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Who hasn't heard of male body shaving right? Chances are you are a body shaver yourself! But as that may be true, it doesn't mean body shaving is the best way to remove unwanted body hair, in fact it is quite the opposite.

The Braun Series 3 370 Men's Shaver is also on sale. It is being sold for 89.99 dollars from an original price of 109.99 dollars. This gives you 20 dollars worth of savings! What's great about this model is its sleek and less bulky design. This type of Braun best feminine trimmer makes use of a 3-stage cutting system which gives you a cleaner shave even in hard to shave area. It is specially designed to adapt to facial contours so that shaving is simpler and faster.

If you ask anyone to recommend a hair removal system to you, they may suggest waxing or sugaring. Both methods work in a similar fashion. You apply either a hot wax or hot sugar solution to your body shaver, apply a cotton material on top and then pull it off rather like removing a plaster. Obviously, it is more painful as you have more hair coming away in one go. The actual level of pain will depend on the skills of the waxing technician but it is not unusual to leave the salon looking and feeling rather bruised. There are plenty of stories of people being burnt by wax that was too hot. Sure you can sue if this happens to you but personally I would rather not take the risk. You can use cold wax treatments but they are less effective than hot wax and the results you get are usually not that smooth.

The truth is goal setting must be as simple as possible. And that means having only one best personal shaver goal. Yup, one life goal, however it must be challenging, it must be realistic and it must be BIG.

So how can a guy go about pubic shaving safely? With the Philips Norelco Bodygroom. The bodygroom is a male body shaver that was designed specifically for men. It is water-proof, cordless and has a hypo-allergenic foil to prevent irritation and more importantly to prevent cuts. You can use the Bodygroom to shave your balls or trim it down with one of the 3 comb lengths that come with the Bodygroom.