Grenoble meeting 25 May 2016
Location: Verimag 2nd floor, room 248
10h30-11h15 Mihaela Sighireanu (Liafa)
11h15-12h00 Boris Yakobovski (CEA)
Rebooting Frama-C's abstract interpreter: past, present and future
12h00-12h45 Sylvain Boulme (Verimag)
12h45-14h00 Lunch (on site)
14h00-14h45 Radu Iosif (Verimag)
A Decision Procedure for Separation Logic in SMT
This paper presents a complete decision procedure for the entire quantifier-free fragment of Separation Logic (SL) interpreted over heaplets with data elements ranging over a parametric multi-sorted (possibly infinite) domain. The algorithm uses a combination of theories and is used as a specialized solver inside a DPLL(T) architecture. A prototype was implemented within the CVC4 SMT solver. Preliminary evaluation suggests the possibility of using this procedure as a building block of a more elaborate theorem prover for SL with inductive predicates, or as back-end of a bounded model checker for programs with low-level pointer and data manipulations.
Joint work with Andrew J. Reynolds (U of Iowa), Tim King (Google) and Cristina Serban (Verimag)
14h45-15h00 Coffee break
15h00-17h00 Discussion
Agenda: progress report, mid-term review, etc.